November 2020

Six Tips for a Comprehensive Needs Assessment

One dictionary defines needs as things that are necessary for an organism to live a healthy life. If we take that same definition and apply it to students, the purpose for the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) becomes very clear. The purpose of the CNA is to assess how well schools are providing the education needed for […]

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3 Risks of Not Going Digital in the World of ESSA

We are living in a digital world—and the world of education is no exception. Schools and districts already use websites and online databases to store student grades and information, communicate with parents, and offer online activity registration and payment options. Now, many schools are using software for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) documentation, too. While

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5 Funny Translation Fails—and How to Avoid Them

“What I Meant to Say Was…” Today, it seems easier than ever to translate text into different languages. You can look up a phrase on your computer using Google Translate, click “translate” on sites like Facebook for an instant translation, or try free translation software for longer documents. But how do you know you’re getting an accurate translation? In many

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5 Examples of Evidence-Based Research for Academic Programs

Would you believe eating chocolate could help you lose weight? Thousands of people around the world did. According to “experts” on global television news shows and outlets, including Shape magazine and Bild, Europe’s largest daily newspaper, a team of German researchers found that people on a low-carb diet lost weight 10 percent faster if they ate

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